Vegan Food More Accessible Thanks to DoorDash

Vegan Food More Accessible Thanks to DoorDash

At the height of the  pandemic, many of us for the first time were forced to go out of our comfort zones to get groceries and meals. Instead of going to restaurants, we tried food delivery, curbside and contactless services to get our fan favorites.

Prior to the pandemic these services were slowly gaining market share but now have skyrocketed due to the virus. 

"Only a pandemic could have spurred such a rapid adoption of e-commerce in the grocery category," according to an article last fall. It noted that grocery shopping jumped triple digits in daily onlines sales in April of last year. 

Southern Roots Vegan Bakery also got a boost during the pandemic. While people were in quarantine and had more time on their hands, the silver lining was it helped to shine a bigger light on social injustice. The tragic death of George Floyd sparked protests and a push to #BuyBlack. Our online sales skyrocketed. Now we are hoping our local customers in and around San Antonio will try searching for us on DoorDash to get their Southern Roots treats. You can find some of our favorites like Mary Lee’s Lemon Cake, our cookies and our donuts by looking for us on DoorDash. 

In fact, thanks to services like DoorDash, it has made vegan food more accessible. In a very small survey conducted by The Food Institute and Cornell University, it said Generation Z (those born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s) tend to lean more toward vegetarian/vegan foods, want food businesses to focus on environmental causes and will continue to use delivery services. 

While many believed food delivery, ghost kitchens, and other food distribution formats would be negatively impacted as the pandemic diminished, the Cornell students didn’t see it that way. They plan to keep ordering online for convenience. Why waste your gas and precious time, when you can pay a small fee to get it delivered at your doorstep?

The students are on to something! Another research company, Incisiv, predicts that digital sales will make up more than half, or 54%, of all restaurant sales by 2025 - those stats are 70% higher than pre-COVID-19 estimates.

So if you are in the San Antonio area, we can get to you faster! If you are out of the area, no worries, we will use one of our shipping partners to hook you up! Order today!


Please share with your friends and family that once they try Southern Roots baked goods, they will think this is “so good, you won’t believe it’s vegan.” Follow us on social and tag us at @SouthernRootsBiz.

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