Paying Homage to National Milk Day and National Oatmeal Month - Alternatively!
To celebrate National Milk Day on Jan. 11 and National Oatmeal month in January, we are happy to announce that we are now using oat milk instead of soy in the majority of our products.
Did you know that in 1877, Quaker Oats became the first oatmeal company in America, and on Jan. 11, 1878 was the very first time milk was delivered to homes inside sterilized glass bottles? We have come a long way from then and now have a variety of plant-based milks to suit your lifestyle. In fact, oat milk's growth is surpassing other plant-based drinks. U.S. sales of oat milk jumped 131% over the last year, to $304 million, according to Nielsen.
And our oat milk will be extra special since we are making our own recipe from scratch that combines agave and flaxseed. Agave nectar is a vegan sweetener that is used as an alternative to sugar. Many people prefer agave since it's low on the Glycemic Index and a low GI-diet can help control your blood sugar levels. Flaxseeds are good sources of many nutrients and is considered a superfood. Their health benefits are mainly due to their content of omega-3 fats, lignans and fiber. We make our homemade oat milk thanks to the company Almond Cow, you can use code SOUTHERNROOTS for 15% off on their site.
So get your favorite cup of oat milk and enjoy one of our baked treats to go along with it. Order today here.